
3 Reasons to Choose an Orthodontist Over a Traditional Dentist for Your Invisalign Treatment

Getting an Invisalign is a chance to experience better health, gain more confidence in yourself and eliminate the woes that come with conventional braces. If you’re wondering who is the best person to trust with an Invisalign treatment for yourself or a loved one between a traditional dentist or an orthodontist, then an orthodontist would be the right professional when it comes to this dental procedure.

A traditional dentist and orthodontists have the same similarities in their practice to provide patients with the best oral care; however, an orthodontist specializes in correcting bites, occlusion, and teeth straightening.

Dentists typically focus on improving good oral hygiene by providing services for tooth decay, veneers, whitening of teeth, root canals, crowns, and bridges.

Something worth noting is that all orthodontists are dentists; however, not all dentists are orthodontists. The following are reasons to choose an orthodontist over a traditional dentist for your Invisalign treatment.

An orthodontist has more experience, education, and training than a traditional dentist. Orthodontists and traditional dentists both attend and graduate from dental school; however, only top performers in a dentist class get the chance to enroll in an orthodontics residency course. Therefore, the orthodontics program is very competitive and, therefore, only allows the top layer of the dentist class.

The accepted lot then proceeds to study orthodontia for the next three years. Areas that the orthodontist course focuses on are bite problems, straightening of teeth, and braces. That’s not all. Orthodontists also study the growth and maturation of a kid’s mouth and learn the necessary techniques to successfully move teeth with braces or aligners.

They can also develop diagnostic skills needed in spotting dental cases while working on various case studies that give them the required knowledge. When it comes to training, an orthodontist is equipped with more training compared to a traditional dentist.

An orthodontist also has a broad spectrum of experience, thanks to the orthodontist residency program that provides them with good experience from practical training. By the time an orthodontist clears their residency program and gets a license to practice, they are already readily equipped with so much more experience than what a traditional dentist has.

Orthodontists have the skills to work on complex cases
Orthodontics is a very complex specialty that requires one to have additional education beyond general dentistry. Due to technological advancements in aligners, braces are no longer the preferred treatment option. Removable aligners such as Invisalign are much safer but complex to achieve. That is where orthodontists come in.

If you require help but do not know who to trust with a complex issue, an orthodontist is the best person to call. As a patient, you should trust an Invisalign dentist who makes you feel more comfortable in their skills. An orthodontist is specialized in this sector and can focus all their expertise and training on your needs.

A dentist will often refer complex cases to the orthodontist as they are more likely to make proficient decisions on what is best for you. You’re also more likely to experience a successful procedure in the hands of a specialist, increasing your chances of finally having that perfect smile and set of teeth that you have always desired.

An orthodontist will provide you with various treatment options
An Invisalign dentist can provide a patient with a variety of treatment options to choose from. Most people tend to think that orthodontics only deals with braces and straightening of teeth.

However, there are so many other plans that your orthodontist can come up with for you. They take the time to examine and assess your jaws, gums, teeth, facial aesthetics, among other factors, before settling on a treatment plan for you.

The beauty of this is that you will receive a personalized treatment plan that aims at presenting you with the highest level of care. Some of these options include:

  • Retainers
  • Metal braces
  • Invisalign
  • Space maintainers
  • Expanders
  • Cheek/lip bumpers
  • Archwires
  • Mouthguard
  • Oral splints

It can be a difficult decision when you want to straighten your teeth but can’t decide who to choose between a traditional dentist and an orthodontist. While dentists can help you achieve good oral health, orthodontists specialize in the alignment of teeth. They are best suited to work with you when it comes to your Invisalign.

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