
Its All About Grammar

Grammar is the foundation of the English language. One who has a strong grasp of grammatical concepts has an impeccable command of the language. So if you want your kid to have a strong hold over grammar, then you need them to know the basic concepts. In this article, you can learn about a few important topics that are essential for students. Let's go through them. The concepts that are discussed in the article provide the students with a basic understanding of the grammatical concepts. Let’s see how much you know about nouns and verbs.

What are Nouns
Knowing about nouns isn’t enough. One has to know about the different types of nouns. Identifying the different types of nouns is a common topic from which questions are often asked. Many don’t know, but nouns are classified into different categories depending on the number, gender, and types. Knowing the different types of nouns will help students easily identify when asked in the exams. Let’s go through the types of nouns.

Proper nouns - Nouns that denote/refer to the particular/specific names of persons, places, animals/birds, or things are known as Proper Nouns. For example, “Sherlock Holmes lives in Baker Street.” Here, ‘Sherlock Holmes' is the name of the person, and ‘Baker Street’ is the name of a place; thus, both are proper nouns.

Common nouns - Nouns that denote/refer to the names of persons, places, animals/birds, or things in general, i.e., there’s no specific/particular name given to it is, known as common nouns. For example, “The girl is playing in the field.” Here, the ‘girl’ (person) and ‘field’ (place) are examples of common nouns.

Collective nouns - When nouns are used to talk about a collection or number or group of people, places, animals/birds, or things as one unit, then it is known as collective nouns. For example, “The jury punished the convict.” Here, ‘herd’ refers to a large group of hoofed animals and is an example of collective nouns.

Material nouns - Nouns that are used to refer to substances/matter, out of which things/products are made known as material nouns or mass nouns. For example, “The saree is made of silk.” Here, ‘silk’ is the material noun as it’s the matter/substance used to make the saree.

Concrete nouns - Nouns that refer to persons or things that have physical existence/structure and can be perceived by all the five senses are known as concrete nouns. For example, “This is my book.” Here, the ‘book’ is a concrete noun as it has a physical presence and can be touched.

Abstract nouns - Nouns that refer to can’t be perceived physically, i.e., are abstract in nature, are known as abstract nouns. These types of nouns refer to ideas, concepts, emotions, state, quality, and feelings. For example, “There is great love between the sisters.” Here, ‘love’ is an example of an abstract noun.

What are Verbs
As we all know, verbs are doing words, i.e., verbs represent any action done by a person or thing. Verbs can be mainly classified into two parts, i.e., the main verb (principal verb) and the helping verb (auxiliary verb). And further, the main verb (principal verb) can be divided into transitive and intransitive verbs depending on whether the verb can be passed from the subject to the object. Let’s go through the detailed explanation of the transitive verbs and intransitive verbs so that students can have a better understanding of these and solve the exercises.

Transitive verbs - The term transitive means passing. So in simpler terms, transitive verbs are those verbs that transfer/shift the action from the subject or the doer to an object. For example, “The batsman hits the ball out of the stadium.” Here, the verb ‘hits’ gets passed from the subject/doer ‘batsman’ to the object ‘ball’. So in this sentence, ‘hits’ is the transitive verb.

Intransitive verb - Intransitive verbs are those kinds of verbs that don't transfer/shift the action from the subject or the doer to an object. For example, “It is snowing.” Here, the intransitive verb is ‘snowing’ as it doesn’t get transferred from the doer/subject to the object.

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