
Lawn Mowing A Guide to Blades and Trimming

Home planning and design are constantly evolving, but lawns and backyards remain trendy. With over 35% of Australian homes having elaborate yards, lawn maintenance is crucial. Lawn mowers are maintenance essentials, and one should not compromise on them. There are numerous mowing tools, from whipper snipper blades to trimming blades. The average American homeowner spends approximately $129-200 monthly on lawn mowing and more on equipment. Equipment replacement and maintenance can add to the expenditure. However, knowing your tools and how to take care of them can help you cut costs. Read on for knowledge on different blades and their maintenance.

Essential Lawn Mowing Tools

Leaf and Soil Rakes
Leaf piles can hinder lawn trimmers and mowers during autumn or winter. Always have rakes nearby to clear up piles and spare sacks to pack the leaves neatly. Soil piles can ruin your blades and the motor. Don't forget to rake down until you have a flat mowing surface.

Most lawns aren't complete without a few bushes and shrubs. Overgrown bushes can make your yard look shabby despite having a mowed lawn. Shears make plant maintenance easy and give you more control over the aesthetic.

Edgers and Trimmers
Lawn edges complete the yard look. Having untrimmed edges can leave your house home-front looking shabby and mismanaged. You can use edgers and trimmers to maintain these edges. After using them, always wipe the blades down to prevent rusting and crusty tools.

Lawn Mower
An efficient and durable lawn mower is the most crucial aspect of lawn maintenance. There are numerous kinds of mowers, each suitable for a specific purpose. Finding a mower that suits your needs is essential for a well-kept lawn. Many believe that mowers are primarily of two types - walking and riding. However, engine style and blade design are crucial to the mower's function.

How to Pick the Right Blades for a Lawn Mower
Contrary to popular belief, there is more to maintaining a lawn than just trimming grass. Choosing whipper snipper blades or trimming blades can drastically transform the finished look. There are many blades in the market, and picking one can be daunting. Worry not because this guide details how you can find the perfect blade.

Blades do not come with a "one size fits all" tag. Unfortunately, this manufacturing fact means measuring them is an essential step before purchasing. Having an OEM or model number can make this task exponentially simple. Check for compatibility and fit. Always measure a blade diagonally, from one end to the opposite side. A long blade may damage the deck or not fit at all, while a short one will leave grass uncut, increasing the amount of work.

Each blade style is best in specific conditions.

1. Low-Lift
These blades lie close to the ground and run relatively silently, using less engine power. The blade and deck angling discard the trimmings to the side instead of vertically upwards. This feature is perfect for sandy conditions since the dust remains on the ground. High-lift blades in such conditions wear out sooner because of dust particles sanding down the blades at high velocities.

2. Medium-Lift
These blades are the golden standard. They are versatile and suitable for mulching, trimming, bagging, or discharging. Moreover, their slight curve allows for ventilation, pulling the grass upward for a more precise cut.

3. High-Lift
These blades provide homeowners with the most accurate and well-defined lawn finish. The maximum ventilation allows for high precision and gives you a freshly cut yard. However, these blades require a stronger engine to run efficiently. Additionally, they are not compatible with sandy lawns.

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