
Things You Should Know to Get 10K Followers on Instagram The Influencers Guide

Instagram has become one of the most rewarding marketing tools for any brand. With dedicated features for business accounts, Instagram gives you the perfect opportunity to promote your products/services and reach your potential customers more easily. However, if you want to use Instagram effectively, it’ll be important to first acquire significant followers for your account.

As soon as we talk about growing an Instagram account, achieving 10k followers is the first milestone for many people. But, if your account is relatively new and you are practically starting from scratch, it may get a bit challenging to get free Instagram followers. The good news is that there are a few tricks that will help you get started and grow your profile gradually.

In this guide, we are going to give away the most effective methods to get 10K Instagram followers, even if you have just created your account. So, without any further ado, let’s get started.

Stay Active and Post Consistently
One of the easiest ways to get more followers on Instagram is to post consistently. The more content you publish on Instagram, the more accounts you’ll reach automatically. Even though it is not necessary to publish 10-15 times a day, it’s always a good practice to post at least once every day.

You can check your Insights to identify what time of the day your audience stays active. Then, you can publish content around that time daily to boost your reach and acquire more Instagram followers.

Interact With Your Audience
The reason why Instagram is the most effective marketing tool is that it lets business owners interact with their customers more effectively. However, there are many business accounts on Instagram that don’t interact with the followers and never see the desired growth. So, if you want to get more Instagram followers and grow your brand, make it a habit to interact with the people who follow your account.

Start by replying to almost every comment on your posts. Even if someone is sharing negative feedback, make sure to respond with an appropriate answer. This will showcase that you actually care about the opinion of your followers. In addition to this, reply to all the DMs from different people as well.

Post Instagram Reels
Apart from the regular pictures and videos, you can also use the new “Reels” feature on Instagram to get free Instagram followers. There is a separate section for Reels on everyone’s profile. This means every time a stranger will visit your profile, he/she can directly jump to the “Reels” tab to watch all your short-clips.

The best part about publishing Reels is that it allows you to unleash your talent and create appealing short videos. Also, Reels can make your profile appear in the “Instagram Searches”, which will give you exposure from new profiles.

Buy Instagram Followers
For people who have just started their account and don’t have an existing audience, it would be better to buy Instagram followers at first. Even though it may seem a bit confusing, buying Instagram followers is indeed beneficial, considering you choose a reliable service provider.

Now, it’s important to understand that Instagram is strictly against the use of “bots” or “fake followers”. In fact, if too many bots follow your account, Instagram might ban it as well. However, if real people follow your account, you don’t have to worry about getting banned. This is the reason why it’s crucial to buy Instagram followers from a service provider that offers authentic followers only.

Today, Instagram is not just a social media platform where you could upload pictures from last night’s party. If you use all its business tools precisely and follow the right social media marketing strategy, you can easily get more brand exposure and acquire long-term clients. It doesn’t matter if you run an e-commerce store or a YouTube channel, staying active on Instagram will help you reach your audience easily. However, to achieve all these goals, you’ll first have to increase the follower count and surpass the “10k followers” benchmark. Follow the above-mentioned tips to increase your followers on Instagram and grow your business.

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